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User Guide Content

  1. Necessary Previous Knowledge
  2. Classic "Hello World" with SAX
  3. Classic "Hello World" with JColtrane
  4. Basic Annotation Conditions
  5. Filtering Element Options
  6. More Filtering Options
  7. Making Your Own Filter Conditions
  8. Receiving Parameters from JColtrane
  9. Extending Parsing Process

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Receiving Parameters from JColtrane

In past sections you learned how to tell JColtrane to execute methods and in what conditions. Now you are gonna to learn how to obtain information from the pasing.


In last section, when you were building your own condition, you probably noted that the method verify, from interface Condition, receive a object from ContextVariable as parameter. This class has all iformation about parsing process. Given its importance, we summarize the methods from this class, giving a description to each one:

Class ContextVariables
getBody() Returns a String with the body content from the last element. Should be used with EndElement, once the full body is known only at this time
getCurrentBranch() Returns a String with all the elements that have started but are no finished yet. The element are separeted by "/".
getEvent(int) Returns the event given by its deep. Events are pushed in a stack. deep equals 0 means the last event, e.g. the element in stack top, deep equals to 1 means the event before the last and so on. Returns null if there is no event corresponding to the deep
getLastEvent() Returns the last Element
getGeneralUseMap() Returns a map for general purpose that user can use to store some information. Keys are from String type and value is from Object class.
putInGeneralUseMap(String key,Object obj) put an element in General Use Map.

The event returned in some methods is from SAXEvent. It contains methods to acces uri, local name, tag and attributes from a element.

The General Use Map exist to allow user store information that can help parsing process. For example, you can put in it a object in a start element and acces it on end element.

The ContextVariable is manipulated by JColtraneXMLHandler, and each handler has an instance of ContextVariables.

To acces it, you need just declare an object of this class as parameter in a method that is annotated with StartElement or EndElement .

See next example to better undestanding:

public class ContextVariableReceiver {

      int key=0;


      public void executeUserStartTest(ContextVariables contextVariables){

            System.out.println("\n\nExecuting in start element");


            SAXEvent event=contextVariables.getLastEvent();

            System.out.println("Current tag: "+event.getTag());


                  for(String qName: event.getAtributesHolder().getQNames()){

                        System.out.println("Attribute name: "+qName+"\nvalue: "+event.getAtributesHolder().getValue(qName));



            SAXEvent beforeEvent=contextVariables.getEvent(1);


                  System.out.println("\nBefore tag: "+beforeEvent.getTag());


            contextVariables.putInGeneralUseMap(Integer.toString(key), new Date());




      public void executeUserEndTest(ContextVariables contextVariables){

            System.out.println("\n\nExecuting in end element");


            SAXEvent event=contextVariables.getLastEvent();

            System.out.println("Current tag: "+event.getTag());


                  for(String qName: event.getAtributesHolder().getQNames()){

                        System.out.println("Attribute name: "+qName+"\nvalue: "+event.getAtributesHolder().getValue(qName));



            SAXEvent beforeEvent=contextVariables.getEvent(1);


                  System.out.println("\nBefore tag: "+beforeEvent.getTag());

            Date date=(Date) contextVariables.getGeneralUseMap().get(Integer.toString(key));







Parsing the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



            <property  mandatory="true" >

            body of the property

            </property >



System prints:

Executing in start element
Current tag: beanDescriptor

Executing in start element
Current tag: line

Before tag: beanDescriptor

Executing in start element
Current tag: property
Attribute name: mandatory
value: true

Before tag: line

Executing in end element
Current tag: property
Attribute name: mandatory
value: true

Before tag: line

Executing in end element
Current tag: line

Before tag: beanDescriptor

Executing in end element
Current tag: beanDescriptor

So, with ContextVariables you can acces all information about the parsing. But, for simple applications, work with ContextVariables can make you feel like "killing an ant with an atomic bomb". So let's see another ways to receive parameters.

Parameter's Annotions

JColtrane allows you receive some kind of parameters just annotating them. See next table with all types of annotations for parameters:

Annotation Description
Attribute(String qName)

Returns the value of the attribute given by its qualifier name from the current element. Make automatic parse for all primtive types or their correspondig Wrappers and String class.

Returns null for objects or MIN_VALUE for primitive types, if element doesn't contain the attribute

AttributeMap Returns a map containing all the attributtes from the current element
CurrentBranch Returns the current branch from the parsing
Uri Returns the uri from current element
Tag Returns the tag from current element
LocalName Returns the local name from current element
GeneralUseMap Returns the GeneralUseMap from ContextVariables
Body Returns the body of current element. Has options newLine and tab, that can be true or false, that returns the string with or without new lines or tabs according with these option values.

So, with the anntotions above, you can just put the right annotation in method's parameters to receive them.

Let's see an example:

public class ParametersReceiver {



      public void executeUserStartTest(@CurrentBranch String currentBranch,

                  @Attribute("page") int pageNumber,

                  @AttributeMap Map attributeMap,

                  @Tag String tag,

                  @Body(newLine=false) String body){




            System.out.println("current tag: "+tag);

            System.out.println("page number: "+pageNumber);

            System.out.println("Att Map: "+attributeMap);



Parsing the XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



            <property  mandatory="true" page="5" >

            body of the property

            </property >



Running the example we have:

current tag: beanDescriptor
page number: -2147483648
Att Map: {}

current tag: line
page number: -2147483648
Att Map: {}

current tag: property
page number: 5
Att Map: {page=5, mandatory=true}

As you can see, you can use any number of parameters you want. Note that for attribute page, JColtrane parse the String to int, returning the MIN_VALUE for elements that don't contain an attribute named as page. If you want, you could access ContextVariables besides all the parameters we have accessed on example.

Now you are able to acces all information you need about parsing. Let's see how to extend the parsing process in section Extending Parsing Process.